1. Business Information

Business Name: Bohuslav Poláček

Registered Address: Dobré 13, Dobré, 517 91, Czech Republic

Business ID (IČ): 08831980

VAT ID (DIČ): CZ0011043648

2. Legal Status

Bohuslav Poláček operates as a sole trader under the Trade Licensing Act (živnostenský zákon).

3. Registration

The business is registered in the Trade Licensing Register at the Municipal Office Dobruška.

4. Contact Information

Email: hi@appetiteui.com

5. VAT Information

Bohuslav Poláček is a VAT payer and operates within the European Union in compliance with EU VAT regulations.

6. Responsibility

The owner assumes no liability for the content of external links provided on this website. Responsibility for external content lies solely with the respective operators.

This Legal Notice is provided in compliance with applicable Czech and EU laws.