

A slider is a UI component that allows users to select a value or range of values by dragging a handle along a track. Sliders are commonly used for input fields where users adjust settings, such as volume, brightness, or price ranges.

Why Use Sliders in App Design?

Sliders improve app usability by:

Simplifying Input

Enabling users to quickly select a value within a predefined range.

Saving Space

Providing a compact alternative to dropdowns or number fields.

Enhancing Interaction

Offering a more engaging way to adjust settings.

Types of Sliders in App Design
Single-Value Sliders

Allow users to select one value along a range.

Example: Adjusting volume or brightness.

Range Sliders

Enable users to select a range of values with two handles.

Example: Filtering products by price range in an e-commerce app.

Step Sliders

Restrict selection to predefined intervals (steps) rather than continuous values.

Example: Setting zoom levels or font sizes.

Common Use Cases for Sliders in App Design
Settings Adjustments

Control volume, brightness, or speed.


Refine search results by price, age, or date ranges.

Data Visualization

Adjust parameters in real-time to visualize data changes.

Interactive Games

Set levels or difficulty dynamically.

Sliders are a versatile and interactive UI component that enhances user engagement and simplifies value selection in app interfaces. By following best practices and utilizing Figma Kits and UI Kits, you can design sliders that are both functional and visually appealing.

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